Case Study

Bringing A Biosimilar For Oncology To Market: A Case Study Highlighting The Use Of Injectable Packaging From Early Development To Commercialization

Source: West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc.

By Abigail Hisler, Global Biologics Marketing Director

Vaccine injectable vials and syringe GettyImages-1252804942

A large Indian biopharmaceuticals company approached West for packaging recommendations for their monoclonal antibody biosimilar used in oncology treatment. They wanted packaging that closely resembled the quality, performance, and appearance of the innovator's packaging. The company chose NovaPure stoppers from West's Ready Pack containment solution, which offers ready-to-use stoppers, seals, and vials in small quantities for quick delivery. The company successfully launched its biosimilar and expanded their use to other biosimilars and innovative biologics.

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West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc.