Article | July 12, 2022

Singota: Faster From Formulation To Fill/Finish

Source: Singota Solutions

By Andrew Besherwor, Singota Solutions


Singota has built its business — processes, equipment, communications, and more — with a focus on meeting clients’ tight timeline requirements. We regularly help early-stage clinical clients (preclinical through Phase 3) progress from finalization of a project plan to filling a manufacturing batch within 8-12 weeks. Critically, Singota is flexible enough in both its internal operations and its client relationships to accommodate even the most complex projects.

Meticulous planning on the front end makes difficult work on the back end feasible. During the initial project assessment, numerous conversations take place between Singota’s technical operations and business development representatives, including whether the necessary excipients are available in house (or the lead times to procure those materials are known) and how to work individual client needs into our available manufacturing slots to meet the project timeline. This up-front feasibility discussion and planning enables a project plan to move quickly as soon as it is executed.

In addition to focusing internally on streamlining processes that impede fast development and bolstering efficiency (e.g., decoupling sample plans from the batch record), continuous improvement is embedded in everything Singota does, from manufacturing and internal processes to warehousing of materials and issuance of material to orders in ERP. We are not afraid to — and sometimes, we must — change the way we operate to meet clients’ timeline demands.

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