Case Study

Using IRT Data To Automate And Optimize Clinical Supply

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Critical study information, such as patient recruitment, drop-out rates, patient visits, and drug supply are all managed through Interactive Response Technology. IRT data is a valuable source for predictive analytics and preventative measures due to its real-time nature. Over time, the requirement for better IRT data application has grown as clinical studies become more intricate and data-driven.

By accessing this collection of case studies, readers can gain insight into how companies saved between $150,000 and $1 million annually in drug and shipping costs when using IQVIA Technologies’ Supply Automation Value Engine. SAVE is an automated IRT tool that reevaluates and assigns the most optimal supply strategy for every site, every day.

See how SAVE uses real-time IRT data to drive simple, automated configuration of intelligent supply chain optimization – reducing risk, waste, cost, and effort.

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